Painless delivery

painless delivery

Women in our culture have been hypnotized into believing that childbirth is a painful experience, even that it is the most excruciating experience of our lives.  When I say hypnotized I mean that very literally.   Since we were tiny children we were told stories that delivering a baby is agonizing ripping and tearing and hours upon hours of hard labor pains.  These lies have been passed down from generation to generation until everyone just assumed it was a fact of life.  Women experience pain during a normal childbirth because they were programmed to, because that is what their mind expected.

The truth is:  having a baby is a wonderful natural experience.  Nature never designed our bodies to experience pain during childbirth.  But the tremendous fear and anticipation of pain makes us tighten up and resist delivering the baby, and that is painful.

If a woman delivers a baby expecting that it will be a relaxed, loving, gentle and beautiful experience, that’s exactly what she experiences!   With hypnosis we can reprogram a woman’s fear beliefs into beliefs that her delivery will be comfortable and enjoyable, the way it was meant to be.  In addition, we teach the woman how to go into self-hypnosis instantly and have mental anesthesia wherever she wants.  And she’ll have this skill for the rest of her life!

Mental anesthesia is much more preferable to chemical anesthesia which can be dangerous for both the mother and child.  With total control over her body the woman can be an active participant in her birth process, enjoying every minute and sending her baby love throughout the experience.  Instead of hours of hard painful labor, most women have gentle contractions and deliver their babies in less than 90 minutes with hypnosis.  Babies born this way have been shown to be happier, cry less, and have higher ICQ’s.

What a wonderful gift a mother can give to both herself and her baby.  If you are planning or due to have a baby, you may consider spending the money that would have gone to drugs for anesthesia on hypnosis instead.

(248)346-5448 | –  For your FREE consultation!