Stop Smoking

quit smoking

Quit smoking with Hypnosis is the best health and lifestyle decision you will ever make.

stop smoking hypnosis

Isn’t it about time to make some changes and begin to live a smoke free life?


  • Being free from the habit and addiction of smoking, without suffering the agitation and stress of withdrawal.

  • Not feeling dependent on cigarettes to get through your day.

  • Being free from negative habits, without suffering through withdrawal symptoms.

  • Feeling more in control of your life and your health

Stop smoking successfully for life! In just 2 weeks you can go from the amount you’re smoking now to being smoke-free.

This process has an extremely high client success rate! 

Consider the benefits of quitting:

  • as a non-smoker, you’ll look and feel  better

  • you’ll have more energy, money and time

  • enjoy better sleep, health and begin to think more clearly

  • you will also feel a real sense of achievement and greater self-esteem after you’ve quit

  • you will certainly live longer

The sessions are structured as follows:

Two private sessions, the first session is scheduled for one hour and a half and the second is scheduled for an hour appointment.

  • FIRST SESSION: Following a discussion regarding your smoking triggers, for example Meal = Cigarette, Phone = Cigarette, Driving = Cigarette, etc, your hypnotherapist will formulate hypnosis suggestions specifically designed to prepare you to quit smoking. At this time you will be cutting down to at least half of what you are currently smoking. A hypnosis CD is included for home reinforcement to prepare you to become a Non-Smoker. Stress Control is included with each session.

  • SECOND SESSION: This is your Stop Smoking Day. This session is scheduled one week after your first session. After reviewing your progress with decreasing cigarette consumption, hypnosis techniques and therapeutic suggestions are customized to insure your success. You will also learn about foods that will act as a natural patch to retain the nicotine in the system longer in order to avoid withdrawal symptoms. Various hypnotherapeutic techniques are utilized and additional suggestions are given to insure your success. You will also learn a quick and easy process for self-hypnosis and stress management. A hypnosis CD is included to reinforce your success.

METHOD OF PAYMENT:     Cash or Check is accepted.

(248)346-5448 | –  For your FREE consultation!