Biologist Rupert Sheldrake speaks about morphic fields and Systemic Family Constellations. He explains how all social animals, including humans, are connected by fields of information that are shared by all members. A therapeutic application of morphic fields in humans is an experiential process called Systemic Family Constellations.
An explanation of Family Constellations, also know as Systemic Work developed by Bert Hellinger
Hellinger’s talk on constellation
Introduction to Family Constellations with Brigitte Sztab
1. Improving your relationships with parents/kids/colleagues, etc. 2. Creating positive shifts in health/finances/addictions/success, etc. 3. Turning your past into a source of strength 4. Healing sexual/emotional/physical abuse 5. Transforming recurring emotions (depression, fear, anxiety, sadness, feeling unworthy, etc.) 6. Freeing yourself from hidden burdens, recurring family patterns.